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Table 2 Comparison of improvement/change in motor functions using GMFM-88 total score between LOKO and CON groups after 20 Tus

From: Cost-effectiveness analysis of robot-assisted gait training in patients with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy


Mean improvement in %±SD (CI 95%)




CI 95%


LOKO group (n = 21)

CON group (n = 26)

Total GMFM

9.43 ± 5.73


0.80 ± 1.68






  1. Values are presented as mean ± SD
  2. GMFM gross motor function measure
  3. d – Cohen’s effect size, rate of substantive significance of differences
  4. d = 0.2–0.5 (small difference), d = 0.50–0.80 (medium-sized difference), d = 0.80–1.2 (large difference), d > 1.2 (very large difference)
  5. p – statistical significance level, significant at p < 0.05
  6. Z – value of the test criterion (statistical calculation) was obtained using the Mann-Whitney U test
  7. CI 95% – confidence interval