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Table 1 Presentation of the medical oncology department

From: Application of a cost calculation approach in medical oncology: case of Hassan II university hospital in Morocco

The medical oncology department has the following staff:

- A medical team composed by 14 contractual resident doctors, 3 volunteers, 1 specialist doctor and 5 professor doctors;

- A nursing team composed of: a head nurse and 21 polyvalent nurses;

- Administrative staff and agents of subcontracting companies.

The medical oncology department has two units:

Hospitalization unit with a capacity of 12 beds:

- Hospitalization of patients with treatment complications and other oncological emergencies

- Hospitalization of patients with treatment protocols extending to several continuous days

Day hospital with 25 chemotherapy chairs:

-Administration of chemotherapy products.

-Other medical acts: punctures, transfusions, administration of analgesic treatments and others.