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Table 1 Overview of the two main approaches used to measure catastrophic health expenditure

From: Overview of the main methods used for estimating catastrophic health expenditure


Budget share approach

Capacity-to-pay approach


Catastrophic health expenditure is defined as occurring when out-of-pocket payments exceed a defined proportion of a household’s total income or expenditure

Catastrophic health expenditure is defined as occurring when out-of-pocket payments exceed a defined proportion of a household’s capacity to pay (the available household expenditure remaining after their basic needs have been met)


\(\frac{Out\,of \,pocket\,payments}{Total expenditure\,or \,income}>Threshold\)



Out-of-pocket payments

Out-of-pocket payments


Total household expenditure or total household income

Sub-method 1: Total household expenditure minus actual food spending

Sub-method 2: Total household expenditure minus a standard amount representing subsistence food spendinga

Sub-method 3: Total household expenditure minus a standard amount representing subsistence spending on food, rent and utilities

Standard thresholds

10% and 25%

25% and 40%



Examples of application

Sustainable Development Goal (indicator 3.8.2), World Bank

Pan American Health Organization, World Bank

World Health Organization

World Health Organization—European Region

Representative papers

Wagstaff and Doorslaer [13], Wagstaff [12]

Xu et al. [14, 15],

  1. aExcept for household’s whose food spending is less than the estimated standard amount, where their actual food spending is used within the calculation instead