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Table 6 Sources of evidence to estimate resource use

From: Systematic review of the evidence sources applied to cost-effectiveness analyses for older women with primary breast cancer

Author, year

Parameters used in studies

Data source

Age of target population

Mean age of estimation sample

Direct cost

 Naeim et al. (2005) [19] and Naeim et al. (2005) [18]


Adjuvant chemo alone (CMF)

Adjuvant chemo alone (AC)

Adjuvant endocrine alone (Tamoxifen)

Adjuvant Chemo (CMF) + Tamoxifen

Adjuvant Chemo (AC) + Tamoxifen

Published guidelines, research studies, and expert opinion of the treatment. Managing side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy from clinical trials [45]

45 years

65 years

75 years

85 years

Not reported

Skedgel et al. (2013) [21]


TC course

FEC-D course

12 months adjuvant trastuzumab, per case

Health states

Local recurrence, per case

Distant recurrence, per case

Post-recurrence follow-up, per month

Side effect

Febrile neutropenia, per case

AML/MDS, per month

Chemo-related CHF, per month

Chemo-related nausea and vomiting, per case

Trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity, per month

Palliative trastuzumab, per case

TC course, FEC-D course, febrile neutropenia, AMD/MDS, and chemo related nausea and vomiting from previous literature [72, 73], 12 months adjuvant trastuzumab from previous literature [75], local recurrence, distant recurrence and post-recurrence follow-up from previous literature [47], chemo-related CHF from previous cost-effectiveness analysis [76], and palliative trastuzumab from literature [77]

40 years

50 years

60 years

70 years

80 + years

Not reported

Sen et al. (2014) [20]






Health states

Recurrence, mastectomy

Metastatic care

Continued phase

Death, last year of life


Previous costing study [78]

70, 75, and 80 years

70–74 years; 75–79 years; 80–94 years

Desch et al. (1993) [24]

Health states

Chemotherapy, if given

Side effects

Minor toxicity

Major toxicity

Previous literature [48, 49]

Medical College of Virginia and estimates from Medicare data (1989)

60 years

65 years

70 years

75 years

80 years

Not reported

Direct and indirect cost

 Ward et al. (2020) [22] and Ward et al. (2019) [23]


Radiation Therapy

Anastrozole (per year)

Indirect costs of RT

Indirect costs of Endocrine Therapy (Annual)

Health states

Salvage Mastectomy

Salvage Lumpectomy or Axillary Dissection

Metastatic Disease (per year)

ASCO and National Cancer Centers Network (NCCN) guidelines, all costs were adjusted to 2019 dollars using the US Bureau of Labor Statistics overall Consumer Price Index inflation

70 years or older

Not reported

  1. AC adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, CMF cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil, HRT tamoxifen hormone therapy, AWP Average Wholesale Prices, PHS Public Health Service, EBRT external beam radiation therapy, RT radiation therapy, IMRT intensity-modulated RT