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Table 3 Red cell consumption and wastage based on the routinely used transfusion practice during the study period

From: A cost-analysis study of using adult red cell packs and Pedi-Packs in newborn intensive care units in Southern Iran


Mean (median) duration between the first and the last transfusion (day)

20 (14)

Total number of the adult packs used


Total number of transfusions


Mean exposure to donor per neonate

221/70 = 3.16

Percent of reduction in exposure to donor per neonate

100 − (100(1 ×)/3.16) = 68.13%

Mean transfusion number per neonate

250/70 = 3.57

Number of satellite packs based on the mean transfusion number per neonate


Mean transfusion number per unit

250/221 = 1.11 ml

Total Volume of transfused RBCs

5000 ml

Mean volume of transfused RBCs per transfusion

5000 ml/250 = 20 ml

Mean volume of transfused RBCs per neonate

3.57 × 20 ml = 71.42 ml

Total volume of wasted RBCs

250 × 230 ml = 57,500 ml

  1. Mean exposure to donor per neonate related to Pedi-Pack = 1