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Table 2 Costs, adjusted to 2016 Mexican and United States currency

From: Cost-effectiveness of the use of the continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump versus daily multiple injections in type 1 diabetes adult patients at the Mexican Institute of Social Security

Description of event

Type of treatment


year-2016 MXN$


year-2016 USD$












 Cardiovascular events

Myocardial infarction, year of event




Myocardial infarction, each subsequent year




Angina, year of onset




Angina, each subsequent year




Congestive heart failure, year of onset




Congestive heart failure, each subsequent year




Stroke, year of event




Stroke, each subsequent year




Stroke death within 30 days




Peripheral vascular disease, year of onset




Peripheral vascular disease, each subsequent year




 Renal complications

Hemodialysis, year of onset




Hemodialysis, each subsequent year




Peritoneal dialysis, year of onset




Peritoneal dialysis, each subsequent year




Kidney transplant costs, first year




Kidney transplant each subsequent year




 Acute events

Major hypoglycemia




Minor hypoglycemia




Ketoacidosis event




Lactic acidosis event




Edema onset (adverse event)




Edema follow up (adverse event)




 Eye disease

Laser treatment




Cataract operation




Following cataract operation




Blindness, year of onset




Blindness, each subsequent year




 Neuropathy/foot ulceration/amputation

Neuropathy, year of onset




Neuropathy, each subsequent year




Amputation, year of event




Amputation prosthesis (event based)

Not covered


Gangrene treatment




After healed ulcer




Infected ulcer




Standard uninfected ulcer




 Medications (per month) and screening (per procedure)









Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors




Anti-depression treatment



[23, 26]

Screening for microalbuminuria




Screening for gross proteinuria




Stopping ACE inhibitors due to serious events




Screening for retinopathy




Screening for depression




  1. DRGs were converted from 2014 to 2016 costs using a health care specific inflation rate of 0.0865, as reported by INEGI. Ψ Costs were estimated as equivalent to 10% of the cost of the acute event where the acute event is estimated as 90% of the total DRG cost, as proposed by Reynales-Shigematsu et al. [27]
  2. aCost of the insulin pump and annual supplies for insertion (Quick Serter) and infusion (Quick Set), reservoirs, lancets, test strips and insulin. Insulin costs were calculated considering (1) average weight of the baseline cohort of 65.45 kg, (2) daily doses 0.1 IU/kg, (3) daily requirement 6.545 IU, (4) annual requirement 2388.925 IU, (5) unit cost of $2.12 per IU of lispro insulin
  3. bCalculated considering (1) insulin types, daily doses obtained from the clinical records of the baseline cohort and (2) unit cost according to the type of insulin
  4. cWeighted cost of AMI of patients with discharge due to improvement (56%) and mortality (44%), weight based on patient distribution of GRDs
  5. dWeighted cost of stroke of patients with (14%) and without (86%) infarction, weight based on patient distribution of GRDs
  6. eHemodialysis procedure plus anastomosis artery-vein required
  7. fWeighted average of manual (54%) and automated (46%) procedures based on MĂ©ndez-Duran [28], plus cost of peritoneal dialysis performed in operating room
  8. gTransplant plus post-transplant short-term care according to the transplant protocol at the Mexican National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubiran” (INCMNSZ) [29]
  9. hFollow-up healthcare, according to Mexico´s INCMNSZ transplant protocol
  10. iCost of one visit to the emergency room
  11. jCost of one consultation with specialist
  12. kWeighted average cost of the drugs of the corresponding group of drugs by the percentage of consumption of the same. Example: Weighted average cost = (Cost of Antihypertensive “A”) * (% of patients who uses the antihypertensive “A”) + (Cost of Antihypertensive “B”) * (% of patients taking Antihypertensive “B”)
  13. lCost of laboratory test in a second level medical unit