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Table 3 Outcomes and costs of base-case analysis

From: Using a dynamic adherence Markov model to assess the efficiency of Respiratory Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic (RMTAC) on asthma patients in Malaysia




Life years

27.88 (27.73–28.00)

27.76 (27.58–27.93)


9.61 (7.97–11.29)

9.43 (7.85–11.00)

Number of hospitalization

16.60 (10.73–23.99)

22.22 (14.20–31.40)

Costs ($)*

16,370.35 (13,410.62–20,220.91)

18,780.21 (14,822.97–23,577.53)

ICER (vs. UC)

$ per QALY gained

− 13,639.40 (− 109,556.90 to 104,445.54)

$ per hospitalization averted

− 428.93 (− 521.27 to (− 328.69))

  1. All values are expressed in mean (95% credible intervals)
  2. ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; RMTAC, Respiratory Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic; UC, usual care
  3. * Cost is expressed in 2014 US dollars ($)