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Table 4 2004 Estimated annual HIV/AIDS program budget at the kwaDukuza PHC clinic

From: S4HARA: System for HIV/AIDS resource allocation

HIV/AIDS Program

Program utilization rate

2004 estimate3

Program unit costs [41]

Current annual spending


Number of condoms distributed




Treatment of STIs

Number of patients seen for STIs





Number of patients counselled





Number of patients counselled





Number of patients on ART





Number of distinct patients seen5





Total HIV/AIDS program spending


  1. 3 2004 data supplied by the iLembe District Health office
  2. 4 Of the total number of patients counseled and tested for PMTCT, 29% received a regimen of Nevirapine, see Table 1. According to a clinic nurse in charge of the PMTCT program, the uptake of infant formula is 50%; the remaining women are advised to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months. Therefore, the unit cost for PMTCT is: (8.00 + (0.29*10.00) + (0.29*0.50*69.60)) = $20.99
  3. 5 In 2004, there were a total of 124,281 visits to the kwaDukuza PHC but the population targeted by the clinic is estimated at approximately 61,000. Therefore each person in the target region visited the clinic an average of two times in the year 2004. Further, 4,880 patients were seen in the wellness program in 2004, see Table 1. The unit costs for wellness in Table 3 are estimated on a per patient basis; thus we refer to the number of distinct patients seen in the wellness program (4880 visits ÷ 2 visits per patient = 2440 distinct patients).
  4. 6 The unit cost of treatment of OIs in Table 3 is estimated on a per patient lifetime basis. We assume the average number of life years remaining is 7.5 years. Therefore the yearly unit cost of the wellness program is: (71.00 + (415 ÷ 7.5)) = $126.32