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Table A1 Estimated number of enrolees and sickness episodes

From: People's willingness to pay for health insurance in rural Vietnam

Population in Bavi:


Percent of population insured:


Population un-insured:

235,000*(1-0.174) = 194,110

Number expected to enrol in a health insurance scheme:

194,110*48.4% = 93,949

Number of sickness episodes per person per year*:


Number of sickness episodes among those enrolled in health insurance scheme:

93,949*3 = 281,848

Of which: episodes in inpatient care:

281,848*1.4%* = 3946

episodes in outpatient care:

281,848*28.1%* = 79,199

episodes of self-treatment:

281,848*65.9%* = 185,738

episodes of non-treatment:

281,848*4.6%* = 12,965

  1. * Source: Vietnam National Health Survey 2002