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Table 1 Criteria definitions (alphabetically)

From: Developing a prioritisation framework in an English Primary Care Trust



Access & equity

• Does this proposal increase or improve access to services for the target population?

• Does this proposal have any impact on access to services for other populations or other NHS agencies (positive or negative)?

• Is this a locally based service?

• Is this service available to all who need it?

• Is this patient-centred healthcare? Do they get a say in the delivery of their care? Is there demonstrable 'patient & public involvement'?

• Does the proposal enable treatment in an appropriate environment?

• Does the proposal raise the profile of an important but currently low profile disease / condition?


• Is the proposal proven to work? (what evidence is there for it working?)

• What is the quality / grade of the evidence? (e.g. well conducted randomised controlled trial versus expert opinion).

• What is the balance of risk and benefit to the patient?

• Will the proposal result in enough activity to maintain quality? (clinical governance issues)

Local & National Priorities

• How far towards meeting an explicit national or local target does this proposal go (for example, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, National Service Frameworks, Local Development Plans etc)?


• What is the prevalence / incidence of the disease or condition this proposal is intended to treat?

• What is the current mortality or morbidity associated with this disease/condition? (note this should take into account the impact of existing treatments)

• Does this proposal meet an identified health need (either local or national)?

• Does it meet public expectations / does it meet a local health want?


• Does the programme focus or put greater emphasis on prevention of ill health? (For example through health promotion, screening/ immunisation or reduction in future morbidity.)


• Is the proposal achievable within a realistic timescale?

• Does the proposal involve multi-agency working / partnership working across different areas of the NHS (and wider bodies)?

• Is the proposal acceptable politically?

Quality of life

• What impact does the intervention have on different domains of quality of life (e.g. disability reduction, increase in independence, pain reduction, whether it allows a patient to play active role in society, social relationships, etc)?

• What is the potential QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) gain from the intervention?

• Does the proposal decrease (future) care needs for the patient, carer or family?

• What evidence is there for the patient experience / satisfaction?