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Table 2 Medical costs for treating several stages of chronic infection with hepatitis C virus

From: Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment with peginterferon-alfa-2a versus peginterferon-alfa-2b for patients with chronic hepatitis C under the public payer perspective in Brazil

Cost item

Cost data


Cost / year / patient

Chronic hepatitis C

$Brz 586

Compensated cirrhosis

$Brz 852

Decompensated cirrhosis

$Brz 21,716

Hepatocellular carcinoma

$Brz 12,526

Liver transplant, 1st year

$Brz 63,013

Liver transplant, subsequent year

$Brz 7,777

  1. Notes: Costs based on SAI/SIH–SUS for procedures and Brazilian Official Gazette or “Banco de Preços em Saúde” for drugs.