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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: The role of cognition in cost-effectiveness analyses of behavioral interventions




Effectiveness measure

Cognitive outcome measures

Behavioral model used

Application of cognitive outcome measures

Butler et al. 1999 [6]

Smoking cessation

Motivational consulting with brief advice

Smoking cessation, reduction in addiction and quit attempts


Transtheoretical model, self-efficacy theory

Effectiveness was calculated per stage-of-change at baseline and cognitive outcomes were used as secondary outcome measures

Crane et al. 2000 [17]

Mammography screening

Multiple outcall approach

Mammography screening

Stages-of-change, attitudes and knowledge

Transtheoretical model

Cognitive outcome measures were used to describe the theoretical foundations of the intervention and as secondary outcome measures

Emmons et al. 2005 [18]

Smoking cessation

Peer counseling or self-help intervention

Smoking cessation

Stages-of-change, self-efficacy, perceived vulnerability, social support and knowledge

Transtheoretical model, social ecological model

Cognitive outcomes were used as secondary outcome measures

Kyle et al. 2008 [19]

Sun protection

Sun protection education for young children

Nonfatal cases and premature mortalities averted and QALYs saved

Knowledge, attitude & intention

No theoretical foundation in model

Cognitive outcomes were used as secondary outcome measures

Lo et al. 2009 [20]

Self-care behavior for stoma patients

Multimedia learning education program

Knowledge, attitude and behavior of self-care

Knowledge and attitude of self-care

No theoretical foundation in model

The effectiveness measure was a combined score of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of self-care

Oldenburg et al. 1995 [21]

CVD risk reduction

CVD risk reduction programs

Unweighted CVD lifestyle risk scores


Transtheoretical model, social learning theory

Stages-of-change were used to appoint follow-up periods

Pyne et al. 2005 [22]

Patient receptivity to anti-depressants

Evidence-based primary-care depression intervention



No theoretical foundation in model

Two separate CE ratios were calculated for both negative and positive attitudes toward antidepressants

Rasu et al. 2010 [23]

Weight management

Internet-based weight management program

Change in body weight, a weight change of 5% or more, and waist circumference.

Social pressure

No theoretical foundation in model

A CE ratio was calculated for each additional point gain on the Social Pressure subscale, indicating increased confidence in managing social pressures to eat

Saywell et al. 1999 [24]

Compliance with mammography


Counseling strategies

Increase in mammography rate

Intention to screen

Health Belief Model

Cognitive outcome was used as secondary outcome measure

Sims et al. 2004 [25]

Changing GP's behavior

Organized approach to exercise counseling

Amount of patients screened, activity, accruing health benefit, DALYs and premature deaths averted

Knowledge & attitudes

No theoretical foundation in model

Cognitive outcomes were used as secondary outcome measures

Smith et al. 2007 [26]

Smoking cessation

Multi component expert system intervention

Quit smoking


Transtheoretical model

An ICER was calculated that incorporated partial behavioral change as measured by the stages-of-change

Sood & Nambiar 2006 [27]

HIV/AIDS prevention

Entertainment-education-based mass media campaign

Condom use frequency and changes in cognitive parameters of behavior change

Knowledge, gender attitudes, & perceived risk

Multiple stage models of behavior change

Cost-effectiveness was calculated for condom use frequency and additionally for changes in the three cognitive outcome measures

  1. Note. Year year of publication, GP general practitioner, CEA cost-effectiveness analysis, CE ratio cost-effectiveness ratio, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, CVD cardiovascular disease, QALY quality adjusted life year, DALY disability adjusted life year