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Table 1 Incremental cost of pharmacological interventions for people with dementia (per participant or per dyad, 10,000 USD, 2020 price year)

From: Cost-effectiveness of pharmacological therapies for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  1. aCost collection was based on societal perspectives in all included studies, except for Courtney (2004)’s and Rosenheck (2007)’s studies. Negative values indicated cost savings in the intervention group compared to the control group
  2. bCost collection included health utilization of informal caregivers
  3. cCost collection was only based on health care perspectives and did not consider indirect cost or informal care
  4. dData were not included into quantitative synthesis due to alternative drugs as comparators
  5. AD: Alzheimer’s Disease; CAN: Canada; DM: Dementia; DON: Donepezil; GAL:Galantamine; MC: multi-centres; MEM: Memantine; MIL: Mild; MIR: Mirtazapine; MOD: Moderate; N.S: Not specified; NT: no treatment; OLA: Olanzapine; PB: Placebo; PDD: Parkinson Disease Dementia; PRO: Propentofylline; RIS: Risperidone; QUE: Quetiapine; RIV: Rivastigmine; SER: Sertraline; SEV: Severe; SK: South Korea; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States