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Table 1 The core evaluation framework for value-added medicines

From: Development of a core evaluation framework of value-added medicines: report 1 on methodology and findings

Cluster name

Domain name


Unmet medical need

Extending treatment options in new indication with unmet medical need

Reduction of the unmet medical need for patients in a new indication due to additional therapeutical value

Individual needs/special needs of patient (sub)population

Reduction of the unmet medical need in patients with special needs in the original indication (e.g., treatment resistant patients, vulnerable patients, etc.)

Health gain (measured by health care professionals)


Improved clinical outcomes of a pharmaceutical treatment (e.g., extending survival, stabilizing disease, improving treatment response, etc.) in trial and real-world settings

Patient safety and tolerability

Improved safety and/or tolerability of the pharmaceutical treatment

Patient Reported Outcomes

Patient experience related to the therapy

Improved patient's satisfaction, acceptance, convenience with the pharmaceutical therapy

Adherence and persistence

Improved adherence and/or persistence of patients with the prescription guidelines (including duration, timing, dosage and frequency of medication use)

Quality of life

Improved health-related quality of life reported by patients

Burden on households

Patient's economic burden

Improved productivity of patients and/or reduced health and non-health care resource use (such as travel time) covered by patients

Economic and health burden on informal caregiver

Improved quality of life of family caregivers and/or reduced financial or non-financial burden on households

Burden on health care system

Health care resource utilization, costs or efficiency

Reduced utilization of health care cost and/or resources

Technological improvement with logistical considerations

Improved stability and/or shelf life of pharmaceuticals through technological improvement

  1. VAM value-added medicine