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Table 2 Summary of variables

From: Household preferences and willingness to pay for health insurance in Kampala City: a discrete choice experiment





The yearly cost for the health insurance plan in Ugandan shillings

Cost in Ugandan shillings


The type of family members allowed by the health insurance plan

Restricted enrollment of children to 3 = 1

Unrestricted enrollment of children = 2

Extended family = 3

Service benefits packageb

The type of benefit packages the health insurance plan offers

Simple benefits package = 1

Moderate benefits package = 2

Comprehensive benefits package = 3


The type of providers for the health services

Public providers = 1

Private providers = 3

Both public and private = 2


The biological sex of the HH head

Male = 1, female = 0


The age of the HH head in completed years

Age in completed years

Child categories

The number of children in the HH in the following categories

Below 5

Between 5 and 10

Between 10 and 19

Above 19

Pay health

History of paying OOP for health care in public facilities or paying for health products/services in private facilities because they were not available in public facilities

Yes = 1

No = 0

Marriage status

The marriage status of the HH head

Single = 1

Married = 2

Widowed = 3

Divorced = 4

Living together or cohabiting = 6


The main occupation of the HH head

Farmer = 1

Salaried = 2

Casual worker = 3

Retired = 4

Trade/self-employed = 5

Unemployed = 6

Student = 7

Others = 8

Education level

The highest level of education for the HH head

No education = 1

Primary education = 2

Secondary education = 3

Post-secondary education = 4

Vocational education = 5

Possession of health insurance

Any possession of health insurance by the HH

Yes = 1

No = 0

Responsible organization

The arrangement for payment of health insurance by the HH

Private = 1

Employer based = 0

The usual source of health care

The usual providers of health care services for the HH members

Private = 1

Public = 2

Chronic illness in HH

Any member of the HH with chronic illness

Yes = 1

No = 0

Socio-economic status

The classification of HHs into socio-economic classes

The assets were modified from the Uganda demographic and health survey questionnaire [35]

By principle component analysis and wealth index calculation using HH assets. We considered assets that included ownership of a sofa set, sideboard, wall watch, house ownership, type of fuel for cooking, floor material, wall material, source of drinking, type of toilet facility, sharing of toilet facility, number of rooms for sleeping, ownership of a bike, ownership of a motorcycle, ownership of a car, ownership of a bank account, number of transactions

  1. aRestricted enrollment of children includes parents and only three children. Unrestricted enrollment of children includes parents with no restrictions on the number of children. The extended family includes children, their parents, and grandparents
  2. bSimple service benefits package includes primary health care diseases, minor surgeries, ANC, and family planning; moderate service benefits package includes chronic illnesses for example asthma, hypertension, and diabetes, major surgeries including caesarian sections; comprehensive service benefits package includes cancers, advanced kidney disease, heart surgeries, neurosurgeries, ICU, and special care units
  3. cPublic providers include health facilities that are owned by the government; private providers include health facilities that are owned by private individuals and faith-based organization