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Table 3 ISPOR MCDA good practice guidelines checklist

From: International lessons in new methods for grading and integrating cost effectiveness evidence into clinical practice guidelines

Defining the decision problem

Develop a clear description of the decision problem

Validate and report the decision problem

Selecting and structuring criteria

Report and justify the methods used to identify criteria

Report and justify the criteria definitions

Validate and report the criteria and the value tree

Measure performance

Report and justify the sources used to measure performance

Validate and report the performance matrix

Scoring alternatives

Report and justify the methods used for scoring

Validate and report scores

Weighting criteria

Report and justify the methods used for weighting

Validate and report weights

Calculating aggregate scores

Report and justify the aggregation function used

Validate and report results of the aggregation

Dealing with uncertainty

Report sources of uncertainty

Report and justify the uncertainty analysis

Reporting and examining of findings

Report the MCDA method and findings

Examine the MCDA findings