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Table 1 Priority-setting criteria to be considered in conjunction with cost-effectiveness results

From: Guidance on priority setting in health care (GPS-Health): the inclusion of equity criteria not captured by cost-effectiveness analysis

Group 1: disease and intervention criteria




Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because of the severity of the health condition (present and future health gap) that the intervention targets?

Realization of potential

Have you considered whether the intervention has more value than the effect size alone suggests on the grounds that it does the best possible for a patient group for whom restoration to full health is not possible?

Past health loss

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it targets a group that has suffered significant past health loss (e.g. chronic disability)?

Group 2: criteria related to characteristics of social groups



Socioeconomic status

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it can reduce disparities in health associated with unfair inequalities in wealth, income or level of education?

Area of living

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it can reduce disparities in health associated with area of living?


Have you considered whether the intervention will reduce disparities in health associated with gender?

Race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation

Have you considered whether the intervention may disproportionally affect groups characterized by race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation?

Group 3: criteria related to protection against the financial and social effects of ill health



Economic productivity

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it enhances welfare to the individual and society by protecting the target population’s productivity?

Care for others

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it enhances welfare by protecting the target population’s ability to take care of others?

Catastrophic health expenditures

Have you considered whether the intervention has special value because it reduces catastrophic health expenditures for the target population?