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Table 2 Comparison of physical function questions

From: Modeling the indirect economic implications of musculoskeletal disorders and treatment

SF-36 physical function area

National health interview survey

(1–3 points each)


Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner,bowling, or playing golf

Push or pull large objects like a living room chair (1–3 points)

Lifting or carrying groceries

Lift or carry a 10-pound bag (1–3 points)

Climbing several flights of stairs

Walk up steps without resting (2–6 points)

Climbing one flight of stairs

Bending, kneeling, or stooping

Stoop, bend, or kneel (1–3 points)

Walking more than a mile

Walk a quarter of a mile (3–9 points)

Walking several blocks


Walking one block


Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports

**No corresponding variable in NHIS**

Bathing or dressing yourself

  1. Note: for the SF-36 total points = 30 and the patient’s Functionality Index = (∑points)/30. For the NHIS total points = 24 and the patient’s Index = (∑points)/24.