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Fig. 1 | Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation

Fig. 1

From: Modeling the potential impact of emerging innovations on achievement of Sustainable Development Goals related to maternal, newborn, and child health

Fig. 1

Countries used for modeling impact of health innovations. Source: IC2030 project team. The chlorhexidine model has a slightly different country list based on the World Health Organization’s 2013 recommendations on the postnatal care of the mother and newborn. These guidelines recommend use of chlorhexidine for newborns who are born in the home setting with a neonatal mortality rate of 30 or more deaths per 1000 live births. The percent difference in the number of live births between the chlorhexidine-modeled countries and the other countries is less than 5%. Countries modeled for chlorhexidine use included Angola, Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Afghanistan, and Djibouti. Countries not modeled for chlorhexidine use included Bhutan, Indonesia, North Korea, and Sri Lanka

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